One of the best ways to generate contempt is behavior that makes people shake their heads in disbelief: Disbelief that you could have the job you have. Disbelief that you could have climbed the ladder high enough to be their boss. Disbelief that you haven’t burned down the office while making coffee…
This strategy works, but it’s tricky! In order for incompetence to be an effective strategy for inspiring your employee’s odium, it must be accompanied by a sufficient measure of arrogance. Benevolent, “sorry-about-that” bumbling that leaves behind any impression that you are teachable is likely to inspire only irritation, and not the malevolence you’re going for. Here are some really excellent ways to convince your workers that you don’t know what you are doing. But remember to do them with an attitude that says, “I’m much smarter than you. That’s why I’m the boss.”