Chapter 11. Communication Killers: Judgments
Few people actually think of themselves as “judgmental,” but these responses imply judgment, whether we mean to or not. And they very often stop the communication process or turn it in a direction you did not intend. When another person comes to you with a need, concern or problem, these are the judgmental responses that are likely to create roadblocks to the communication process.
We have all had someone in our lives that loved to use the phrase, “You should have done this…” The underlying assumption with these people is that if they don’t provide a correction or somehow criticize, then people don’t improve or grow. In fact, criticism blocks the formation of a trusting relationship which is the real cradle of personal growth in people. It’s a form of judgment.
Labeling, whether negative or positive, is a destructive communication blocker. Inherent to all real communication is “psychological involvement” with another person. Labels are used to rob the other person of their personhood by making them part of an impersonal category or group of some sort.