Chapter 12. Communication Killers: Forcing a Fix
What we often don’t realize, particularly men, is that when someone comes to us with a need, concern or a problem, they may not want us to “fix it” as a matter of top priority. They often want us to listen and connect with them first before solving a problem. That’s why “Forcing a Fix” is often a potential communication blocker. Here’s the various ways we do that.
Ordering or Commanding
Your teenage daughter comes to you and says, “My so-called friend just posted what I thought was a private conversation on Facebook.” You react, “OK, get online right now and send her a message to take the posting down.” Before you jump in and try to fix the problem, stop and think. Maybe she already did. Perhaps it wasn’t a solution to the problem she wanted from you. Perhaps what she really wanted was for you to share her hurt because of what her friend did.