Do You have an “Entitlement Mentality?”
Do you have an entitlement mentality? We live in an age of entitlement like never before. Is it really possible to live in our culture without at least some of that kind of thinking leaching into your character?
People with this mentality feel they have a natural right to privileges that others earn through sacrifice and discipline. When others are visited by great good fortune, they consider those same events to be their own natural right. People with this modern malady feel entitled to be exempt from rules that apply to others because of some exception, or simply because they are special. They feel entitled to recognition and admiration for accomplishments, real or imagined. They feel entitled to a good job simply because they went to college. They feel entitled to home ownership regardless of their ability to pay for it.
Before you dismiss any thought that you have at least some entitlement attitudes, here are some “check yourself” questions.
Have you ever been disappointed by a birthday or holiday gift because it was not quite what you wanted or felt you deserved something better?
Have you ever been irritated by failing to receive proper respect or recognition?
Are you sometimes overconfident about giving yourself the benefit of the doubt when pondering decisions?
Has your irritation been visible to others when a business would not make an exception for an expired coupon or offer?
Have you been surprised or angry when someone would not bend an established rule for you?
Would you be upset and feel it was unfair if something you have been receiving for free was suddenly discontinued?
Has anyone ever asked you, “Who do you think you are?”
Do you justify taking advantage of someone because someone else took advantage of you?
Do you look at wealthy people who have acquired their wealth legally and think to yourself, “It’s just not fair?
Has jealousy ever led you to badmouth someone else?
Do you sometimes brood over other people getting breaks that you deserve?
Do you regularly rationalize self-indulgence because you’ve had a hard day?
If you have answered “yes” to more that 3 or 4 of the above questions, you might want to check your attitude for some entitlement thinking that is diminishing your life.
Here’s more on how Entitlement Thinking will diminish your life.
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Gary, I enjoyed this article. Thanks for sharing. It’s been many years since we trounced around “Yellow Banks”, west of Norfolk, but in my mind, it was just yesterday. – Dave Ludwick (aka, “Duck”).
Hey Dave! Thanks!