Regardless of the challenges and problems in the self-help literature industry, life-change is one of the most sought after commodities in the information marketplace. And, paradoxically, one of the most resisted.
This book is written to:
- raise awareness of our resistance to needed change
- analyze the origins of that resistance to change
- highlight the situations in which that resistance threatens survival and success
- provide insight, motivation and courage to take appropriate steps toward change
Human beings are notoriously reluctant to give up the comfort of familiar, but dysfunctional habits or behaviors for the promise of true safety, satisfaction and peace-of –mind.
What skews our judgment? What compromises our critical thinking and risk assessment when it comes to making big life changes? What universal human characteristics create resistance to the changes we clearly need to make?
5 things create resistance to the life changes we need to make. These are “The Big 5.”
- The Unrelenting Attraction of our Comfort Zones
- Creeping Thresholds of Discomfort
- The Power of Denial
- Fear of the Unknown
- Learned Helplessness